[author: alex]
Do you run a business which involves selling software, web services or apps online?
TL; DR: We just launched a BRAND NEW landing page for Jidoteki
Well, if you’re like most business owners, you’re probably constantly working hard to increase your sales figures.
We’ve created a new way for you to “double ship your software”, as Zach Holman eloquently described a few years back.
GitHub’s story
When I used to work at GitHub, I was helping out the Ops and Enterprise teams. I was there during the official GitHub Enterprise launch, which was basically a virtual appliance containing an almost-exact copy of the github.com website.
A year later, the sales figures spoke for themselves. That product had so much financial success, it was almost unbelievable. Or was it?
Who are your customers?
GitHub realized something early-on. Enterprise customers (other businesses, governments, financial institutions) often have strict data governance issues (storing data locally [not on The Cloud], data retention, restricted systems access, and monitoring). They also usually require more resources than your cloud solution can handle. That means one thing for you: the money is with enterprise/business customers.
Sure, you can make some coin selling your software for $7 a month, if you have three million users, but imagine if you could increase your sales price from $7 to $400/month. Well, that’s what they did. Seeing the numbers really blew my mind.
.. imagine if you could increase your sales price from $7 to $400/month
Post-GitHub era
When I stopped working with GitHub, I decided to take their concept a bit further. I started working with Pat on an “Enterprise Builder” - a tool designed to automate the creation of virtual appliances, similarly to what GitHub was using, in order to sell them to customers.
That worked!
It took a few months to get up and running, but now I can confirm this thing is real. It works.
That’s Jidoteki - A tool for turning apps into products
With Jidoteki, you are now able to automatically build, configure, provision, export and sell your app (any app: desktop app, web app, server app) as a virtual appliance.
We automate the installation of custom operating systems. We’ll provision your virtual images using your favourite DevOps tools, and export them for multiple hypervisor platforms.
We want to help your business grow. We want you to say: “Wow, we’ve significantly increased our revenue by double-shipping our software thanks to Jidoteki”.
So, try it out, let us know what you think: