Jidoteki: Updated pricing, easier to get started

We’ve recently updated our pricing to make it even easier to get started with Jidoteki.

Having celebrated 5 years of being in business a few days ago, we decided to make our service more accessible to companies, by providing a new pricing structure.

Previous Setup plan

Previously, we offered only one “Setup” plan to get started with Jidoteki. It included lots of custom work, consulting, and onboarding in order to get a custom appliance up and running. It’s great for companies with lots of custom requirements for their software to work on-premises.

One recent example involved us converting a Java-based installer application to an on-prem virtual appliance with custom tools and scripts.

Splitting the Setup plans

We’ve renamed the original Setup plan to Pro Setup” plan, which includes a fully customized virtual appliance covering all your needs for the perfect on-prem appliance. It includes customizations at every level to ensure you can easily transition from Installer/SaaS -> to On-Premises.

Today, we’re also announcing the “Business Setup” plan, which includes a slightly more generic virtual appliance. We still provide the same open source tools, scripts, and features of our rock-solid enterprise virtual appliance, along with its great management features. The only difference is we decreased the amount of custom work to finalize the OVA. Of course, we’ll still customize a few things to ensure your app actually works as intended.

Benefits of the Business Setup

The main benefit of the new setup plan is that we can have the appliance ready in just a few hours. Typically with lots of customization, the time to completion can take between one week and up to one month, or more.

… ready in just a few hours

To be eligible for our Business Setup plan, we require your stack to conform to the typical software stacks such as LAMP, LEMP, MEAN, etc. With those types of stacks, we can get you up and running real quickly, and you can start providing your on-prem OVA to enterprise customers with very little delay.

Another great advantage is that it’s always possible to upgrade to the “Pro Setup” in the future, if the need arises.

Moreover, Jidoteki Meta will work just as well with either Setup plan, so you’re still free to maintain full control of your builds, on your own premises.

Get your feet wet

I want to extend an invitation to companies to try our service. We can pretty much guarantee you’ll love the end product and will want to continue working with us in the long-term. It’s a win-win situation, as you’ll also gain the ability to serve enterprise customers (which translates to $$$).

Contact us and we’ll be more than happy to discuss your situation and requirements.